
SBCC Precious Gold Childhood Developmental Screening Package

While every consultation with our SBCC specialist includes a basic Childhood Developmental Screening, a more detailed and comprehensive developmental assessment may be required upon advised.

SBCC Precious Gold is a comprehensive Childhood Developmental Screening (CDS) available at SBCC clinics for children aged 0 to 16. 

What does SBCC Precious Gold consist of?

Each SBCC Precious Gold developmental assessment at SBCC visit consists of a range of growth tracking, physical examination, and developmental checks. This includes areas such as behaviour, cognition, motor and sensory abilities, communication, social interaction, and adaptive skills. Habits such as picky eating can also be identified.

Throughout these visits, our paediatricians will be able to track your child’s developmental milestones and monitor their growth and development.

The Precious Gold Package consists of: 

  1. Comprehensive health screening including childhood developmental screening
  2. Comprehensive medical review and advisory for at risk screening or referral
  3. Comprehensive anticipatory guidance including general well being, growth, nutrition, mental and dental health
  4. Formal Medical report
  5. Complimentary influenza vaccination. Vaccinations per national immunisation program and opt in vaccinations as desired

*Upon medical review, relevant opt-in screening labs and other tests for at-risk patients may be advised 

SBCC Precious Gold

SBCC Childhood Developmental Screening, Precious Gold, is a comprehensive health screening package for children between 0 years old to 16 years old
$ 327
price exclusive of GST (for first visit)
$ 186
price exclusive of GST (for subsequent visits)
  • The recommended screening frequency is once a year.

Our Paediatricians Are Here With You Every Step of the Way

1. Call to Book Appointment

  • Call your preferred clinic to book an appointment with our specialist.
  • Arrive at the clinic 15-30 minutes prior to your appointment time.
  • Bring along your child’s medical record or health booklet and immunisation record.

2. Developmental Assessment at SBCC Baby & Child Clinic

  • During registration, fill out a pre-screening questionnaire to help our paediatricians get a better understanding of your child’s development and areas of focus.
  • Paediatricians will conduct a comprehensive range of assessments to check if your child is growing well.

3. Medical Review and Recommendations

  • Treatment recommendations and advise will be provided based on the medical results and arrangements for follow-up checkup is necessary.
  • Soft copy of medical report, along with your paediatricians’ recommendations will be emailed within 3 to 5 working days. Hard copy may also be collected from the clinic.